4 Ways to Build a Positive Mindset Before a Caesarean Birth
Learn all about what’s going to happen
This is absolutely my number one tip, and there’s a few ways you can learn about the process of a caesarean birth, and exactly what happens on the day. You can take a caesarean specific hynobirthing course, hire a doula, or just research the crap out of it!
By knowing what is going to happen, you won't be taken by surprise on the day, or during your recovery.
The devil is in the details - knowing how many people will be in the room, what you'll be wearing, how the physical recovery may go - all these things will make the day of the birth feel less unfamiliar and worrying.
Visualise your birth
Once you know more about what will happen on the day, it's time to start visualising your positive birth experience.
This is like a birth rehearsal - by visualising how it will go and how amazing it's going to be, your brain will start looking forward to this incredible day!
Aid your visualisation by setting up a morning ritual, planning your outfit, making a playlist for the journey and incorporating those into your visualisation. Then when it comes to the morning, everything that happens from the moment you wake up will feel familiar, and not like it’s happening for the first time.
Make your caesarean birth your own
Not all caesarean births are the same. You actually have loads of options, though they might not always be presented to you. For example you can...
Ask everyone in theatre to introduce themselves
Ask for low lights and hushed tones
Have your own music playing
Request slow emergence to mimic vaginal squeeze
Ask for the screen to be lowered when baby is born
Lift the baby out part way yourself
Making your own decisions will make your birth feel like your own experience, and not someone else's.
Connect with others
You can do this by reading positive stories, watching YouTube videos (there are LOADS), and joining FB support groups like Planned Caesarean Section Support Group UK.
Find someone who's had a planned caesarean and ask if they'll chat to you on the phone - ask what helped them and if they would do anything differently. And if you don’t know anyone personally, just ask around. Someone will know someone!
Talking to a parent who's been through it already is invaluable for feeling safe, and can help get you excited for your big day!
Are you planning a caesarean birth? Drop a comment and let me know how you’re feeling!