5 Reasons you might not want an epidural

  1. You want to give birth at home or in a birth centre

    Giving birth outside of a hospital ward is a really attractive prospect for loads of pregnant people.

    Home comforts, a chilled environment, and led by midwives.

    If you choose this option, you won’t have access to an epidural (unless you transfer into hospital at some point), but arguably the comfort of being home or in a birth centre may mean you are less likely to want one.

  2. You’ve had a previous bad experience

    If you’ve had an epidural with a previous birth and didn’t have a good experience, you might be looking to do things completely different with your next birth, including avoiding medicated pain relief entirely.

    If you've had previous birth trauma, it can be a great idea to have a birth debrief with someone independent, to help you heal and move towards a positive mindset for your next birth.

  3. You’re worried about how your body might react

    You can’t predict how pharmaceutical drugs will react with your body, and for many people this is enough to put them off.

    An epidural may mean you are completely unable to move which is off putting for those who want to be able to move freely and instinctively during their labour and birth.

  4. You want a physiological birth

    There are many benefits to a physiological birth without intervention.

    You are letting your body birth in the way it was designed to, your hormones can work to their full potential, and your birth, recovery, and breastfeeding journey is more likely to be straightforward.

    Birth is a bodily function which for most people, works best when physiology is supported.

  5. It feels right for you

    Maybe you don’t have a reason you can even vocalise – an epidural is just not what you want.

    You don’t need a reason to birth the way you want to even if it's different to how your mum, sisters or friends did it.

    Your choices should still be respected and supported by your friends, family and healthcare professionals.

    However you birth -

    Whatever methods of pain relief you choose -

    Wherever you give birth -

    You deserve to have a beautiful, powerful experience which feels wholly yours.

    There is no universal positive birth experience.

    What’s right and good for you is all that matters.


10 Labour Essentials That You Already Have At Home


Birth is a Mental Game!